Just be yourself. Authenticity is worth more than you think

We are a network of independent professionals

Meet the team

 “What I love most is seeing people and organizations be empowered, so they can achieve lasting change.”

Lead2Sustain. That stands for enabling sustainable business practices through shared leadership. I greatly value working towards a sustainable future. I also believe in the power of the circular economy: an economy where the end of one supply chain needs to be the start of a new one. The way I see it, we as a society will only move further away from linear thinking. Organizations strongly need to focus on people, on sharing knowledge. On transparency, co–creating, and on fostering a sense of community. And I would love to help them develop that.

Robert–Jan Kwakkelstein – Partner
+31 (0)6 41 75 72 54

“I believe all of us have strengths and talents. I believe in values and standards, and in leading by example. That’s how I work and what I live by.”

People who want to work together always achieve more than people who have to work together. My passion lies in creating the right climate to enable that. Something like that involves many different elements, and it requires specific skills and behavior from the organization’s management team. It often means leaving existing structures behind in order to change the way an organization regards its human capital. Guiding people through that process is what I’m good at, and what I love most about what I do.

Roland van Houtert – sabbatical

“The best story you can tell others is your own.”

Life is all about making choices. That holds true for people as well as for organizations. It may mean going in a different direction and making extensive changes. Other times, it’ll be as easy as moving a single pebble to change the way the river flows. I’m fascinated by the great influence a single choice can have on everything else, and I love the stories that influenced those choices. It’s the stories that define people and organization. They explain why you do the things you do. It’s those ever–changing stories that make people and organizations interesting and genuine.

Lendy Timmerman – Partner

“Helping professionals genuinely connect to clients.”

I have worked in many different professional environments, and I’ve noticed many people have trouble with this; more so than they initially thought. For example, how would you deal with the following dilemma: do I want what’s best for my customer, or do I want to meet my target and earn the bonus? Of course, the answer people want to hear—and the one you hear most—is: go for the customer. So why are there so many people in sales who barely know what their customer’s interest is?

Harrie van Dijk – Trainer

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